Cube Elf File For Ppsspp

Gamecube Saver
TypeSystem tool
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser

This ELF allows you to copy a Gamecube save file from the front SD slot to either your Slot A or Slot B Memory card.

Note: This program will crash after the save has been copied, however it will work.Use this program at your own risk.


Double clicking it doesnt do anything, if im trying to run./PPSSPPHeadless in terminal it ask to include an elf file, so I run./PPSSPPHeadless cube.elf (test image that available in the website), and it just hang there, no additional line on terminal or any graphical windows created, but it consuming 20% of my CPU until I ctrl-c it. Hello Cube IDE team. I am using STM32F427ZG MCU board with STM32CubeIDE. But I have trouble to generate.bin file after building with CubeIDE. I think it support.elf file only for now. If below command can be added into makefile, then.bin file can be generated by CubeIDE. Arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary STM32F427ZG.elf STM32F427ZG.bin. I looked around the internet for at least an hour to look for a program or website to convert.bin files to EBOOT.PBP files to run PSP games but most of them have malware or adware or trojans. So I need someone to recommend me0 a legit working converter for.bin files to PSP EBOOT.PBP files. After Extracting the compressed (.rar/.zip) file, you'll get a folder.In that folder you should see the iso/CSO file of the game.If you don't see an.iso or.CSO file in the extracted folder. The 7z file format refers to 7-Zip, a file zipping application that compresses files to make them smaller for easier downloading. Changing the file name to an ISO will not work with the PPSSPP emulator since all of the files that are compatible with the emulator are inside the 7z file.

Cube Elf File For Ppsspp Windows 7

You will need:

  • SD card (SDHC and SDXC will not work, you will receive 'no gc_saves folder' error)
  • SD card reader
  • Way to load the .ELF file
  • .GCI save file
  • Gamecube controller

Download whatever .GCI file you want (there are plenty scattered around the Internet)and make a folder in the root of your SD card called gc_saves.Place the .GCI file inside of the gc_saves folder, and rename it so that the filename (not including extension) has one or two characters, like A.GCI or ZZ.GCI. Put the SD card into the Wii and load the .ELF.

Make sure that:

  • There is no save file for the game already on the Gamecube memory card.
  • There is only one .GCI file in the folder at one time.

Cube Elf File For Ppsspp Download

Follow the on-screen instructions; press A to write to Slot 1, or press B to write to Slot 2. Press A to confirm the file that you want to write to the memory card. The data will write, then the screen will show a code dump. This can be ignored; simply press A one more time, and the screen will say 'Reset'. You must turn off your Wii manually to restart.

Version 1.1 Fix

After the beta9 release of the Homebrew Channel, version 1.0 no longer works. This is because beta9 and up uses DOL files in place of ELF files. Version 1.1 was converted to DOL by Willseph. Metadata was also included to make it look a bit nicer and provide more information in the Homebrew Channel.


Made by Dasda.Thanks to dudebfg and emu_kidid!


'USB Memory Adapter Save' saves should always be .GCI. If you see a save you want that is a .SAV file, there are working converters around.

Future plans

  • GC Mem Card to front SD writer
  • improved GUI
  • allowing more than one .GCI to copy
  • Wiimote support
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Yes, you can play PSP games on your Android device. This is not a gimmick, nor some sort of absurd remote VNC. This is pure emulation right on your Android device. It is all thanks to the app PPSSPP. Surprisingly, some games work with excellent frame rate and graphics quality (Naruto for example). Keep in mind though, not every game will be compatible and it will not work with every device. So YMMV.

What You’ll Need:

  • PSP .iso or .cso game.

Step 1: Find PSP Game

The first thing you need to do is find a PSP game. If you already own a PSP game, then there are tools on the web which you can use to extract the actual game file. Of course, you can find anything with a little Google searching.

Step 2: Preparation

Now, download PPSSPP from the play store. Also download the Cube.elf file to your device. Inside of PPSSPP, navigate Games and go to where you downloaded the cube elf file, then launch it. If it opens, then that means your device is capable of handling PSP games. Finally, go and launch a game. If all goes well, it should boot.
If the graphics look terrible, feel free to go inside of the settings and change the rendering resolution and display resolution to get the best quality output. Be aware that this could cause performance issues with the game. Also, for some games (such as Ratchet and Clank) you might have to enable Frame skipping.